Organizational Diagnostics

Intentional Culture Engineering

What is your company’s culture, truly? What makes up its personality? Do you have a mix of people pursuing different goals and paths in their own ways? Without planning, your culture can cause loss of efficiency and drain people of their passion as they run into dead ends and obstacles. People Factor specializes in helping you take that accidental culture and give it a strategic plan – one that inspires employee engagement, loyalty, and productivity.


Through our proprietary diagnostic system your company will not only have a deeper understanding of your current culture, but emerge with a strategy to build and support an intentional, vibrant culture.


The first step in your culture transformation is that our team of experts will conduct a discovery session with your executive team. Any successful strategic plan will always have to start at the top. Without the understanding, perspective, and support of the executive team, any attempt at transforming your culture will fail. The critical information the executive team provides during the discovery session is then used by our proprietary in-house system to start the diagnostic process. It establishes a baseline to determine the current state of your organizational culture and measure gaps.


As we continue the diagnostic process, our system collates the information and creates actionable solutions to address the unique problems at hand. The system is collaborative and encourages full participation.


Whether your company is experiencing small problems or major obstacles, People Factor will partner with you in implementing solutions and getting results.

Our Process

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Your Culture is Your Brand