Culture beyond 2020

By Carolyn Dorsey | Coordinator | People Factor LLC   Pretty much everyone acknowledges these days that organizational culture plays a significant part in productivity. The question is, what is your culture like, post-lockdown? The new working world is still trying to get its bearings. Is your company fully remote? Have you taken a hybrid […]

Good Job Descriptions: Foundation Blocks for Great Culture

By Carolyn Dorsey | Coordinator | People Factor LLC   Job description. Even the term is inherently boring. How many companies have put real effort into creating coherent, inspiring job descriptions? It can be done – and better yet, SHOULD be done.   What are your organization’s job descriptions like? Chances are that even if […]

Building Bridges, Connecting Generations

Carolyn Dorsey | Coordinator | People Factor LLC Right now, there are 5 generations simultaneously working in today’s workforce. As we go back into our offices, we’ll be working within actual physical proximity again. What a great opportunity for generations to share wisdom and perspective. Take a look at your workforce demographics. Do you have […]

We’re ready to roll – – but where are the employees??

Carolyn Dorsey | Coordinator | People Factor LLC The “signs” are literally everywhere – hiring bonuses, record-high hourly wages listed on business marquees, and free gifts just to show up to a scheduled interview! Employers are really struggling to get new employees through the door, much less onboarded. Without getting into the weeds on why […]

Remote Culture, Refined

Carolyn Dorsey | Coordinator | People Factor LLC Who knew earlier this year that the phrase “I’m going to the office” would achieve dinosaur status within six months? The new remote work landscape is looking more and more like it’s here to stay. Companies that just a few months ago did not approve of the […]

What is Employee Engagement?

Daniel Nesbitt | Marketing and Administrative Specialist | People Factor, LLC Employee engagement is often seen as HR’s responsibility, but it is the responsibility of everyone in the company, especially leadership. Having an engaged leadership helps to set the tone when it comes to how employees look at the company. If a new hire looks […]


How Can Executive Coaching Help You?

Daniel Nesbitt | Marketing and Administrative Specialist | People Factor, LLC As a company grows its executives are often placed under an extreme amount of pressure and stress. While everyone deals with pressure and stress differently, the addition of an executive coach is becoming much more common in the workplace. Executive coaching isn’t for everyone, […]

Building Great Managers with DiSC 363

Daniel Nesbitt | Marketing and Administrative Specialist | People Factor, LLC Wiley DiSC as we know it today was first developed in the 1940’s, but that doesn’t mean that it is dated technology. Wiley DiSC isn’t “just another personality test” or like any personality test that you may have seen on Facebook or in magazines. […]